
Play part 7

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part 7

Master Splinter received the information about the alligator misadventure from a contrite Leonardo.

On his knees with his head bowed, Leonardo explained succinctly exactly what had occurred, how the two boys had escaped, and shouldered the complete responsibility for the mishap.

Looking down at his oldest son's head, Master Splinter found that though angered by his son's disobedience, he was quite proud of how Leonardo had handled the situation and had accepted accountability for it.

He also read between the lines of the tale and understood that Raphael was the instigator behind the infraction. With or without Michelangelo's influence, it seemed that his third child was determined to be led by his impulses.

Master Splinter thought that he also saw in the interaction between Leonardo and Raphael a trace of jealousy and need on the part of the younger turtle. He knew that he would have to find a way to help Raphael overcome those feelings, or as they grew older, his red banded child would become somewhat of a burden to the chosen leader.

As it was, Master Splinter decided this would be a good lesson for Leonardo. He knew that his oldest had a great desire for the leadership role and that he worked hard to be perfect in everything he learned.

His Father wanted Leonardo to also understand the consequences that could come of an inability to control a given situation. Master Splinter was concerned that Leonardo might be seeing only the rewards of leadership, and not the painful side of it. If his oldest could not handle that inevitable part of his role, then the children's sensei wanted to know about it while they were all still young enough so that a shift in the family dynamic could be made.

"You understand Leonardo, that straying from the path you were given permission to traverse was in direct disobedience to my rules?" Master Splinter asked.

"Yes Master Splinter," Leo answered quietly.

"As a leader, you must understand that strict adherence to rules is a requirement and a duty. I expect it of you, and you must expect it of your brothers. If one of them chooses to disobey, it is your responsibility to find a way to stop them," Master Splinter said.

"Master Splinter, what if I can't?" Leo asked. "How will I know what to do if Ra . . . I mean, if one of them won't listen?"

"That will be the most difficult thing for you to learn my son. You will have to be better at everything in order to gain their respect and their trust. The road to that goal is filled with hardships. There will be times when you might actually have to fight your brothers to maintain control, and during those times they will hate you. You must remember always that their lives are in your hands, and that having them despise you is preferable to them being dead," Master Splinter told him.

"I understand sensei," Leo said.

"Do you still wish to be the leader Leonardo? Knowing and understanding what will be required of you?" Master Splinter asked.

Leo looked up, startled by the question. No matter how difficult things became, or how hard Raphael fought him, Leonardo's one true burning desire was to be leader.

"Yes Master Splinter," Leo responded. "I will learn everything required of me and more in order to keep by family safe. I will honor you and this clan by my actions, I swear it."

Master Splinter studied him for a moment, and saw the resolute fire burning behind Leonardo's eyes.

"Very well. You will begin by rising a half hour before your brothers in order to begin the day's training exercises," Master Splinter said, and then took a deep breath. "Now, your punishment for today's violation of the rules are as follows; you and Raphael will not be allowed out of the lair for two weeks. In addition, you will take on both Donatello and Michelangelo's chores for a two week period.

"Your bedtime will be one hour earlier than normal, and you will spend one hour of your free time in my alcove in meditation. I expect you to use that time in contemplation of your actions and in reviewing Raphael's."

"Yes Master," Leo said, his eyes once more downcast.

"Leonardo," Master Splinter said, "I am not trying to be unduly hard on you. I wish for you to fully understand the task you have chosen to undertake. What happened today could have been tragic, and as a Father, I am most distressed by that thought. Please do not allow such an occurrence to happen again."

"I won't Master Splinter," Leo assured him.

Master Splinter's face softened. "I wish also to tell you I am pleased with how you conducted yourself after the attack began. It requires an agile mind to understand both the attack and the correct response to it at a moment's notice. You are dismissed."

Leo blinked at his Father's praise, warmed by the words. Bowing so that his forehead touched the ground, Leo stood up and said, "Thank you Father."

After he was gone, Master Splinter stood completely still and stared at the wall. Finally, he sighed and scratched his chin absently, knowing that he could not put off speaking to Raphael for any longer.

He found his most volatile child toweling himself off after his bath and summoned the boy to precede him into the private alcove.

Raphael kneeled, listening to his Father's steps as he moved around to stand in front of the turtle. Nothing was said for several long minutes, during which time Raph was surreptitiously watching his sensei's tail.

The tip of that tail was tapping the floor in a regular rhythm, a dead giveaway of the Master ninja's agitation. Raph braced himself.

"Leonardo has given me a complete report of what happened today," Master Splinter finally said.

Raphael said nothing, his golden eyes fixed on his Father's tail.

"To say that I am not pleased would be an understatement. What the two of you did could have been disastrous to yourselves and to this family. Is that clear to you Raphael?" Master Splinter asked.

"Yes sensei," Raph muttered. If something had happened to Leo, his mind filled in.

"Leonardo has accepted the blame and the responsibility for deliberately disobeying my rules," Master Splinter continued. "As punishment, he will be taking on additional chores and other duties, including confinement to the lair for a two week period. You will likewise share in that confinement. For two weeks, you will not venture outside of this lair, is that understood Raphael?"

"Yes Master Splinter." Raph shifted on his knees and said, "But I should share the rest of the punishment too. I'm the one who talked Leo into going down that tunnel."

"No," Master Splinter said. "The burden of that poor choice falls upon Leonardo."

"That ain't right," Raph objected, the slang he was picking up from watching people through the street grates becoming more evident. "I messed up and he had ta go with me ta watch my shell. He didn't have a choice."

"Do not argue this point with me Raphael," Master Splinter said sternly. "Leonardo is the leader, and as such, the responsibility and consequences of your actions fall on him. That is what it means to be the leader."

"I don't want anybody else ta answer for what I do," Raph said, his voice rising. "That ain't fair. If I mess up it should be on me."

"It is 'on you' my son," Master Splinter explained. "Perhaps next time you will think about how your choices will affect your brothers before you make them. When I tell you that you are training to be a part of a team; that is what I mean. As a member of this family, you must learn to control your temper and your impulses in order to consider how those unfettered actions might be harmful."

"It ain't like I don't try," Raph told him. "It's just too hard ta wait around studying stuff. I'm sorry I can't be perfect like Leo is; but you gotta know I can fight just as good as he can."

"Leadership is not simply about fighting, Raphael. It is also knowing when to fight, when to delegate, and when to withdraw. A good leader is not the one who rushes headfirst into battle; he makes decisions that may require he send someone else forward. Would you want that responsibility?"

Raph frowned. "What, are you asking if I want ta be the leader? 'Cause the answer is I don't know. I would have liked that chance instead of you deciding I ain't good enough."

Master Splinter's brows drew together. "I have never felt that you were not good enough my son. I designated Leonardo to be the leader because of a different set of qualities that he possesses. Unlike you, your brother does know what he desires."

"Yeah," Raph muttered. "I think he just likes telling the rest of us what ta do."

"Do you wish to someday have your brother's lives in your hands, Raphael?" Master Splinter stepped closer to his red banded son, his voice a bit more harsh. "Would you be able to send Michelangelo to his doom if it meant that Leonardo and Donatello would live?"

"I wouldn't do that," Raph protested. "I'd go myself so all three of them could live. That's what a leader's supposed to do."

"No it is not," Master Splinter explained emphatically. "Without the leader, the army crumbles. Leaders must not sacrifice themselves and this is something Leonardo understands. You are impetuous and quick to anger; neither are qualities a good leader can afford to have."

"Then what am I good for?" Raph asked, his frustration apparent.

"You have a good soul my son," Master Splinter set a furry hand on Raphael's shoulder. "You are quick witted and strong, intensely loyal and protective. You are valuable to this family as a beloved son and a much needed brother. Your siblings all lean on you because of those qualities and you should not be so quick to dismiss them as useless."

Raphael's eyes went down again and he took a deep breath, exhaling through his mouth.

"Okay Master Splinter. I'll try to do better about controlling myself," Raph said.

Master Splinter patted his shoulder. "It is all I can ask of you, my son. I am proud of you."

Having dismissed Raphael, Master Splinter decided that a strong cup of tea was needed for its calming effects. As he set about preparing the beverage, he heard a noise from one of the wardrobes and stopped moving in order to listen.

All was silent for a full minute, and then he heard it again. A low sob, a scratching sound and the thunk of a hard shell striking wood.

Standing before the offending wardrobe, Master Splinter reached forward and opened the door.

Curled up on the floor in what could not have been a comfortable position was his youngest son, Michelangelo. The boy's shoulder jerked and he tucked his face behind it as light fell on him.

"What are you doing in here, Michelangelo?" Master Splinter asked.

"Nothing," Mikey replied, his voice muffled by his knee pressing against his mouth.

"I see," Master Splinter said, frowning. It was obvious to him that this was a result of some interaction with Raphael and could not be ignored.

"Perhaps it would be good for you to tell me why you are choosing to do nothing from inside this wardrobe," Master Splinter suggested.

"It's 'cause I think Raph wants to unmarry me," Mikey told him, sniffling.

Master Splinter put a hand down and said, "Come out of there and explain to me what 'unmarried' is and why your brother Raphael wishes to do this."

Mikey pulled his face out of hiding and looked at his Father's hand before deciding to accept the request. Untangling his body, he slid out of wardrobe with the ease only the young and very agile could attain.

Master Splinter led him to a chair next to their battered kitchen table, and took a seat next to him. Mikey's mask was wet with tears; his blue eyes clouded by sadness.

"Raph wants to play with Leo all the time," Mikey explained as he drew in a shuddering breath. "He said he doesn't like my games."

"Ah," Master Splinter said, understanding. "Because of this you believe he wants to end the married game that the two of you played."

"He said you told him it's only for humans," Mikey said, peering at his Father somewhat accusingly.

Master Splinter nodded, knowing he would have to have this discussion with Michelangelo at some point.

"It is a game that adult humans play," Master Splinter said. "When two people from different families discover that they love each other, they make a commitment to remain together forever. You and Raphael are from the same family; you do not need to be married."

"But I want to live with Raph forever. What if he grows up and doesn't want to stay here? If we're married then he has to," Mikey said, a determined set to his jaw.

"You cannot force someone to stay with you Michelangelo, no matter how strongly you feel. I do not honestly believe that Raphael would ever leave this family, so you have nothing to fear," Master Splinter told him.

Mikey sat and thought about that for a moment, then asked, "Suppose he wants to play married with Leo? Are you gonna tell him he can't 'cause they're already in the same family?"

Master Splinter realized then that Mikey was jealous of his oldest brother and the time he was spending with Raphael. Separating the two brightly banded turtles at bedtime had not diminished Michelangelo's obsession or his possessiveness.

"Do not worry about Leonardo and Raphael. They have no desire to play 'married'," Master Splinter said. "They enjoy more competitive games together. Raphael's taste in games is changing Michelangelo. Play time is for stimulating the mind and the body, and to learn things about growing up. It is natural for your brothers to want to play different types of games with each other, and it is something you should be doing as well."

"But I only like to play with Raph," Mikey said with a slight pout. "Don doesn't make any sense when he talks, and Leo is always serious."

"I think if you give them a chance, you will discover that those two brothers can be just as fun to play with as Raphael," Master Splinter said.

Mikey drooped even lower and two large tears slid out of his eyes, further wetting his already soaked mask.

"What if Raph never wants to play with me again?" he whispered. "I used to understand everything about him, but now I don't and he doesn't want to talk to me anymore."

Master Splinter patted Michelangelo's arm. "It is not you, my son. Raphael is discovering some things about himself and is finding them to be a bit confusing. Just as you are having difficulties with some of the changes that occur from growing older, Raphael is likewise struggling. He is your brother and loves you very much. Give him some time and you will see this."

Mikey perked up a little, his head and back straightening. "So if I stay the same me that I've always been, then Raph won't be so confused, right sensei? No matter what happens or how much growing up we do, if I'm not a whole lot different, then Raph won't have to work so hard to be around me. Thanks sensei!"

This mini epiphany energized the young turtle, who sprang up from his chair, the sadness of moments ago completely lost to whatever new purpose had overtaken him.

Removing his wet mask as he left the kitchen, he went in search of Donatello, bypassing a surprised Raph, who had expected his baby brother to pounce on him once more.

Master Splinter watched his youngest bounce around the lair as though nothing had been bothering him for the last hour. Michelangelo's resilience was a great asset to the turtle, but it left the Father with some concerns.

Amongst them was just how far Michelangelo would go to remain unchanged in order to appease Raphael.

Title: Play
part 7
by hummerhouse
Disclaimer: The TMNT are not mine. No money being made.
Word Count: 2,735 Novella
Summary: Leonardo accepts punishment and a lesson in leadership, while Raphael attempts to understand the disparity between their roles. Michelangelo has an epiphany.
Rating for part 7: PG-13
Note: future parts will contain TCest and foul language
Pairing: Raph/Mikey

Story is written for ~KillyKillerKilly :iconkillykillerkilly: because it's based on a bunny she sent scurrying my direction!

The preview art was done by ~KillyKillerKilly for part 4. Choose this link to see the full size drawing [link] It is a perfect rendering of the picture little Michelangelo drew!

Part 1[link]
Part 2[link]
Part 3[link]
Part 4[link]
Part 5[link]
Part 6[link]
Part 8[link]
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xxAmityAcexx's avatar
<__< That last line was kinda scary. Like... Holy crap.

I adore how you write Master Splinter, it's just so spot on!