
100 Theme Challenge - 12. Insanity

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100 Theme Challenge
12. Insanity

Don was happy to discover that Casey wasn’t unfamiliar with the concept of stealth. The boy also either instinctively knew not to follow too closely or he’d learned that from Raph. There would have been nothing worse than having Casey crowding him in the event Don needed to draw his bo staff.

They reached the outside maintenance door at the same moment that Raph’s voice came through their headsets.

“Found the room with the light on,” Raph whispered. “The only thing in here is a floor lamp and some boxes full of jewelry.”

Don and Casey exchanged looks and then Don asked, “What kind of jewelry?”

“I don’t know, some kind of necklace I guess,” Raph answered.

“Grab a couple of them for me,” Don told him.

“This isn’t the time to pick up gifts for your girlfriend,” Raph said caustically.

Don felt his face heat up. “I want to know why the Kraang are storing necklaces, Raph. Examining them might give me some kind of clue.”

There was a second of silence and then Raph said, “Yeah, okay. I’m getting them now. Hey Leo, what’s happening on your end?”

Leo’s voice reached them next. “Mikey and I are in the loading bay. There are big boxes stacked everywhere, although all of the ones we checked are empty. No one’s in here, but there is another room on the far side of the warehouse. It looks like the Kraang are all there because sometimes a bright light flashes from that area. Don, have you reached the electrical room yet?”

“We’ll be there in about five minutes,” Don assured him.

“Good. Don’t do anything until I give you the go ahead and then cut the power,” Leo said. “Raph, we’ll be waiting for you to join us at the bottom of the staircase. If you see anyone along the way, make sure they don’t see you.”

“What do Casey and I do after we shut off the power?” Don asked.

“Come around the outside of the building to the loading dock. Be ready for anything. Out,” Leo said.

Shoving the microphone away from his mouth Don said, “Hold this flashlight so I can see what I’m doing.”

Casey obediently pointed the pencil light at the door and Don set to picking the lock. It didn’t take more than two seconds for him to manipulate the tumblers and open the door.

“You’ll have to teach me that trick,” Casey said appreciatively.

“Raph knows how,” Don said, keeping his replies short as he retrieved the flashlight from Casey.

The pencil light was more than enough to see a door along the passageway where the electrical room was supposed to be. The sign on the door confirmed they’d reached their target and Don aimed the light at the lock.

“Oh dear,” Don muttered softly.

“Is there a problem pal?” Casey asked.

Don took a deep breath and extracted his hand held computer from his belt. “Nothing major. This is a key pad lock; I can’t pick it so getting it open will take a little longer. I can use a light coating of fingerprint powder to bring up the oil from the Kraang’s synthetic skin which will show me the numbers most frequently pressed and then my computer can . . . .”

His explanation was cut short when Casey’s bat slammed into the lock. Sparks flew and the door popped open.

“Why did you do that?” Don asked, horrified.

“Ya’ needed the door open fast so I opened it,” Casey said with a smug smile.

A strobe light began flashing on the wall behind them immediately followed by the shrill sound of alarm bells.

“So much for the element of surprise!” Don exclaimed, darting into the room and locating the power control box.

“Don! Donnie! What’s happening?” Leo called out.

Lifting the mic into place as he snapped the lock on the control box Don said, “Casey set off the alarm with his bat. I think insanity runs in his family.”

“Turn the power off now!” Leo hissed urgently.

The sound of Kraang lasers firing in the background cut his brother off. Don grabbed the handle on the main breaker and pulled it down, throwing the room into darkness.

“Sorry Don! I was just trying to . . . .” Casey began.

“Save it!” Don snapped, pushing past him and hurrying towards the outer door. “We have to go rescue my brothers!”
12. Insanity
by hummerhouse
Disclaimer: The TMNT are not mine. No money being made.
Word Count: 744 Drabble
Summary: Written as part of the 100 Theme Challenge. I am trying my hand at the 2k12 series and have taken some liberties with Casey Jones since his character has not been introduced as yet.
*Based on my newest ship - Don loves April who has a crush on Casey who has the hots for Don. Triangle ahoy!
Rated: G

1. Introduction
2. Love
3. Light
4. Dark
5. Seeking Solace
6. Break Away
7. Heaven
8. Innocence
9. Drive
10. Breathe Again
11. Memory
13. Misfortune
© 2013 - 2024 Hummerhouse
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FoxKids1302's avatar
Well, at least Casey follow his previous incarnations down to the letter...